Conference Announcement on 32nd World Congress on Nutrition and Dietetics


We are pleased to welcome you to the “Conference Announcement on 32nd World Congress on Nutrition and Dietetics" after the successful completion of the series of Nutrition   Congress. The congress is scheduled to take place in the beautiful city of Thailand, Thailand on September 14-15, 2023. This WORLD NUTRITION 2023 conference will provide you with an exemplary research experience and huge ideas.

The perspective of the Nutrition Conference is to set up to help research people understand how Nutrition techniques have advanced and how the field has developed in recent years.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life. It provides organisms with nutrients, which can be metabolized to create energy and chemical structures. Failure to obtain sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition. Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, though it typically emphasizes human nutrition.

Malnutrition occurs when an organism gets too few or too many nutrients, resulting in health problems. Specifically, it is "a deficiency, excess, or imbalance of energy, protein and other nutrients" which adversely affects the body's tissues a Malnutrition is not receiving the correct amount of nutrition. Malnutrition is increasing in children under the age of five due to providers who cannot afford or do not have access to adequate nutrition

Clinical nutrition is the practice of analysing if a person is consuming an adequate amount of nutrients for good health. A clinical nutritionist is concerned with how nutrients in food are processed, stored and discarded by your body, along with how what you eat affects your overall well-being. Professionals in this field assess your nutritional needs based on your family and medical history, lifestyle and laboratory tests in order to make recommendations on your diet and individual nutritional needs. A clinical nutritionist may provide advice on changes to your diet that may help prevent disease.

 To enhance the field and make people aware of it. The organizing committee decided to hold a conference in the field of nutrition.

People who have missed attending the past conference are most welcome to present your research ideas at the WORLD NUTRITION 2023conference. This conference will help you improve networking with eminent people in the field of nutrition.


Conference URL:

# Nutrition # Endocrinology # Clinical nutrition # Malnutrition #abstract #speaker #delegate #Conference2023


International Conference on 32nd World Congress on Nutrition and Dietetics
Date: September 14-15, 2023
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand
Whatsapp No: +44 1518081135